Lessons learned from NYU

by Asher Krim

Posted on 19 May 2014

And just like that, it’s over.

Three final papers. Two presentations. One showcase. One final exam. Zero courses left to take. In a couple of hours I’ll be donning my purple robe and joining the other 99 computer science graduates at Lincoln Center. I’m in a reflective mood, and I’d like to share, in no particular order, some of the things I learned while at NYU.

  • Write proper tests for your code! If you don’t it will......

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    Welcome to the world!

    by Asher Krim

    Posted on 31 December 2013

    I have a hunch: the time of year during which the most new blogs are started is around new-years. So it should come as no surprise that one of my New-Years resolutions was to finally get a blog of my own. I had been learning all sorts of exciting web technologies recently including Node.js and Python. Fittingly, I even programmed a blog as a final assignment for a course at NYU (check it out: KrimmerBlog) using Python and Google......

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